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HTML5 Mobile Mastery Roma Topcorsi Roma

 HTML5 Mobile Mastery
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600 €
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Tipologia Corso di formazione professionale
Luogo di svolgimento Roma
Durata 3 Giorni
Modalità Presso il cliente
Requisiti I partecipanti al corso dovranno conoscere HTML e JavaScript, e sarà preferibile, ma non necessaria, una precedente esperienza con le seguenti tecnologie: HTML/XML, JavaScript e Ajax.
Rivolto a Questo corso è rivolto a web designers e sviluppatori interessati alle attività di design, creazione e sviluppo di applicazioni web in HTML5. Un corso valido sia per i principianti che per gli sviluppatori senior esperti nello sviluppo di applicazioni web.
Prepara per Imparare ad applicare le principali aree di funzionalità dell'HTML5 in applicazioni desktop e mobile!
Note sul pagamento 600/day
Numero posti 8
Docenti docenti Kaazing
Il corso HTML5 Mobile Mastery sarà svolto interamente in lingua inglese.

Parte 1: Understanding HTML5

HTML5 Overview

Why HTML5?
Key features
Key players
Key design principles
Separating Presentation and Content
Presentational vs. Structural vs. Semantic markup
Markup changes
Structural elements
Semantic elements
Deprecated elements
Authoring HTML5
HTML5 page structure
Maintaining compatibility
Using Helper Libraries
Other polyfills
Lab preview
Lab: Authoring HTML5

Adding semantics to structural markup
Using data vocabularies
Testing microdata
Parte 2: CSS3


Applying CSS3 selectors
CSS3 Styling Additions
Border radius
Box and text shadows
Multi-column layout
Web Fonts
Backward compatibility approaches
Alternate designs via Modernizr
Lab: Styling with CSS3
CSS3 Media queries

Detecting screens sizes, resolutions, and orientations
Creating adjustable layouts
Using CSS frameworks (e.g. for mobile)
Lab: Mobile layouts with CSS3
Parte 3: Server-Based Web Application

Enhancing interactivity

Adding interactivity via Javascript
Adding visual effects
Controlling styling dynamically
CSS3 Transitions
Lab: Adding interactivity
Expert development practices for web applications

Automated code testing
Using qUnit
Using JSTestDriver
Automated UI testing
Using Selenium
Using Selenium Remote Control
Lab: Automated testing practices
HTML5 Forms

HTML5 Form elements
New input types
Form validation
Building and using HTML5 Forms
Lab: Using HTML5 Forms
HTML5 Security

HTML5's origin-based security model
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Cross Document Messaging

Using PostMessage
Maintaining compatibility
Lab: Cross-Document Messaging
AJAX applications and XMLHttpRequest Level 2

Cross-document XHR
Progress events
Lab: Using XHR Level 2
HTML5 Web Workers

Uses for web workers
Implementing Web Workers
Lab: Using the Web Workers API
Parte 4: Multimedia and Interactive Graphics

HTML5 Audio and Video

Audio and video containers
Audio and video codecs
Styling with CSS3
Controlling with Javascript
WebVTT and video accessibility
Browser support and polyfills
Lab: Using the audio and video APIs
SVG & Canvas intro


Uses for SVG
Authoring SVG
Authoring tools
Programmatic generation
Interactive graphics with SVG
Browser support and polyfills

Uses for Canvas
Using the Canvas API
Canvas coordinates
Drawing operations
Canvas transforms
Advanced Canvas techniques
Manipulating pixel data
Video capture
Browser support and polyfills
Lab: Using the Canvas API
Parte 5: Client-Server Web Applications
Architecting Client-Server Web App

Overall architecture
Client-side considerations
Server-side considerations
Client-Server interactions
HTML5 Web Storage

Cookies vs. Web Storage
Local vs. Session storage
Using the Web Storage API
Compatibility and Alternatives to Web Storage
Lab: Using Web Storage
Client-side Database Storage

Web SQL Database
Indexed Database
Compatibility strategies
Database Storage
Client-Server Communications Review

Bi-Directional HTTP (AJAX & Comet)
Long polling
Lab: Network Traffic Analysis, Part 1: HTTP, Ajax, Comet
Server-Sent Events

SSE architecture
Using the EventSource API
Lab: Server-Sent Events
HTML5 WebSocket

Uses for WebSocket
The WebSocket Protocol
The WebSocket API
Lab: Network Traffic Analysis, Part 2: WebSocket
Lab: Using the WebSocket API
PART 6: HTML5 and Mobile Application Development
Designing pages for mobile devices

Mobile interaction patterns
Mobile UI Libraries
jQuery Mobile
Sencha Touch
Other libraries
CSS Designs for mobile devices
Performance tuning for mobile
Mobile browser limitations
Optimizing images
Data URIs
CSS Sprites
Performance measurement tools
Mobile Boilerplate
HTML5 Offline Web Applications

ApplicationCache API and Events
Understanding the Manifest file
Server Configuration
Building and using HTML5 Offline Web Applications
Lab: Creating HTML5 Offline Web Applications
HTML5 Geolocation

Using Geolocation
Sources of location data
User privacy issues
Using the Geolocation API
Displaying location data
Browser support
Lab: Using the Geolocation API
Other Device Access

Drag & Drop
Accelerometer access
Speech input
Embedding web pages into native mobile applications

Embedding web views in iOS
Embedding web views in Android

Dove e quando
HTML5 Mobile Mastery
home-icon Roma (RM) - Via Adolfo Ravà, 124
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